Promotion of cultural exchange idea in general, and particularly the promotion of national and international exchange of artists and/or other professionals engaged in the cultural field; exchange of know-how and information between Swiss providers of either guest studios or studios of exchange in Switzerland:
Up-dated internet information pool; platform and mediation between the providers of guest studios and other studios of exchange as well as co-operation with further eventual interested partners
Origin of the Project
1999: The lack of information about studios for Swiss and foreign artists brings Wenzel A. Haller (Gästeatelier Krone Aarau) to collect addresses and relevant data of guest studios and studios of exchange for swiss and foreign artists in Switzerland.
On December 13, 1999, the first meeting of interested persons and representatives of institutions was organized in Solothurn. A suggestion of Ines Anselmi to start with a coordination office “artists-in-residence ch” was discussed and approved by large majority. Pro Helvetia has been asked to take the necessary steps on a national level, together with other governmental offices in Switzerland.
2000: A second meeting was organized on June 19, 2000, in Basel, during which the group of interest (GI) “artists in residence ch” was established. With financial support of Pro Helvetia, the Federal Office for Cultural Affairs and the Swiss Conference of the Cantonal Cultural Representatives, the GI started an internet-based project, offering many possibilities to promote dialogue between persons and institutions involved in cultural exchange.
2001: The internet platform “” is realized in four languages. The data bank offers not only informations about studios in Switzerland, but also addresses and relevant data of the studios for Swiss artists abroad. First reactions of users are encouraging. But there is still a lot of work to do.
The start of a coordination office remains a long-term aim. Such an office would be helpful for the following activities:
1. Exchange of information between the institutions, owners or persons who provide studios
discussion of different arrangements and general problems
– booking of the studios
– information on guests
– exchange between the guests
– up-dating of the data bank
2. Mediation between the responsable persons or representatives of institutions like Pro Helvetia, DDC, AZO, FOC, art schools and further partners who support artists-in-residence-programmes
fundraising, support
– pre-selection of the artists
– search for convenient studios
– pre-selection of the artists
- search for convenient studios
- preinformation of guest artists about their studio and stay in Switzerland
– personal and administrative help related to the stay of guest artists (visa, health insurance, inscriptions to schools, payment formalities, etc.)
3. Organization of different activities like exhibitions, conferences and so on, for and with either the guests or the providers of studios or both
4. Advice and general support for existing and new projects
5. Featuring the public discussion on the issue cultural exchange
6. Lobbying and publicity
– Swiss Federal Office for Cultural Affairs
– Canton of Argovia
– Canton of Grisons
– Canton of Zurich
– Canton of Zug
– Conference of Swiss Cities for Cultural Issues (Aarau, Basle, Berne, Biel-Bienne, Burgdorf, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Chur, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, St.Gall, Thun, Winterthur, Zug, Zurich)
Stein am Rhein, Künstlerwohnung Chretzeturm
visarte Biel
visarte Solothurn
Ecole d’art appliqué, Vevey
Schule für Gestaltung, St.Gall
création baumann, Langenthal
BINZ39, Zurich
Gästeatelier Krone Aarau
iaab und CMS, Basle
Stiftung Atelier Robert, Biel
Kulturmühle Lützelflüh
Altes Spital, Solothurn
Schweizerischer Schriftstellerinnen- und Schriftsteller-Verband
Executive Board
Hanneke Frühauf, Bridgeguard Sturovo
Wenzel A. Haller, Gästeatelier Krone Aarau
Your membership in the GI “artists in residence ch” is free of charge and without obligation. By subscribing you confirm your agreement and solidarity with the objectives of the group.